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Every student at Eastern Christian Preschool and Elementary School has been spending this school year learning how to be “Living Stones” in their support of a new school in Haiti. The School of Hope has been open for two years and is growing in incredible ways! The students attending The School of Hope do not have playground equipment, air conditioning, or Internet access, but they are often able to receive healthy meals while receiving a Christian education.

Students at Eastern Christian have enjoyed learning about the location of Haiti and seeing pictures of the kids attending the School of Hope. Our students learned empathy for the students in Haiti by participating in a “playground fast” where the students played outside for recess without any equipment. Students enjoyed the fast by playing using their imagination and teachers loved watching student interactions.

On Tuesday, April 24, the students at Eastern Christian presented ways they helped raise money or supplies for The School of Hope in Haiti throughout the year during chapel. Every grade spent the year praying for The School of Hope and also came up with a unique way to support them. Preschool showcased three boxes full of colored pencils, markers, crayons, paper, scissors, glue, and anything else the Haitian students would enjoy during their school day. Kindergarten collected empty water bottles so they could receive $0.05 per bottle when recycling. First grade made bracelets and necklaces they sold to family members to raise money.  Second graders will be holding a BINGO event in a few weeks to also raise money. Each third grader created a devotional they will bind and share with the students at The School of Hope with encouraging Bible verses, kind words, and prayers. Fourth graders made salvation bracelets for each students at The School of Hope, and an additional one for each child to make and share with someone at home.

Barb teaching the motions to her song through FaceTime.

Barb, co-founder of Hope Haitian Ministries which established The School of Hope, has been checking in with Jill Battle, first grade teacher, throughout the year, giving exciting updates Jill then shares with Eastern Christian Elementary School.  During the chapel presentation, Barb was able to participate from her home in Maine by FaceTiming on the large Promethean Board screen for the whole school to see.  She was so touched to see Eastern Christian students excited to support The School of Hope! Barb wrote a song that the entire school population sung together while she taught them the motions from the screen. Barb’s ability to participate in the chapel through a FaceTime interaction was unique and special as Eastern Christian students celebrated all they have learned and the work they have done throughout the year to support The School of Hope.

Both Eastern Christian and The School of Hope were blessed through their partnership this year! Eastern Christian Elementary School is excited to continue their relationship with The School of Hope as believers in Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:3-6 (NIV) says “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” The School of Hope plans on gaining Internet access in the next school year, so Eastern Christian Elementary School students are excited to communicate with them directly and create an even deeper connection.  God has been doing wonderful things for The School of Hope, and it will be incredible to watch their school continue to grow.